Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Oh! what can i say,it was quite hectic learning english the past 12 years of my education. It was like learning to walk ,it dont just happen so easily. I had to work hard and put more effort in my school work. The best part of learning english was,i could use the knowlegde in so many ways. I learned to communicate with others including foreigners and what i figured out about my self is that i'm very good in speaking than writing english. Where i come from english is one of the most spoken language so it was worth learning the language and it is recognised as an international language. I also have a habbit of reading magazines and novels, my friends use to call me a 'book worm'. This helped me a lot, i managed to improve my grades as time passed by. My english teacher in high school believed in me and she knew me well,though at first i kept failing she never gave up on me. she gave me the courage and believe it or not 2006 i scouped first price in best student in english. 2007 was like my down fall, two months before my final examination, my english teacher was transfered. We reached the final lap without a teacher i was so confused to be honest and my grades slightly declined. I did ok! but i belive i could have done much better. i believe learning english is a continuos process and practice makes perfect so i am proud of taking my english classes in my tertiary level.

By Michael Maretlwaneng

lecture; Ms Juida Wan

Foundation of English

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